What’s your favorite part about writing? If you say nothing…well, that’s too bad. But writing essays doesn’t always have to be as big as hassle as it seems. As a college essay writing help advisor would tell you, with a few basic but helpful tips, you can nail any essay you want without it consuming too much of your time or effort. Want to test yourself and give it a shot? Here are some expert essay writing tips that will surely help you out.
What exactly are you being asked?
It every-so-often happens that I write about 500 words on a topic and then realize I wasn’t even writing on the topic; I was writing on my brain’s first interpretation of it, which can very easily be inaccurate. When writing an overview, make sure you know exactly what you’re being and keep in mind the gist of it the whole time.
Okay, time to get out the post-its
Planning and scheduling is so fun, isn’t it? Bring out the Monica Geller in you as you get crazy organizing the entirety of your essay. Jot down points that you’ll need to keep in mind when compiling your research. Trust me; it will make your work much easier and so much more fun.
- Plan everything out in advance so you don’t have to panic if a deadline’s approaching
- Make sure you know what to do and where to get your information from. Compiling it will be much easier for you this way.
Criticize yourself!
You need to be a little less nice to yourself when working on something which you want to turn out good. Let yourself know where your work is lacking. Make sure you understand what quality work is supposed to look like and don’t be afraid of your own mistakes. Remember, you’ll have to learn to own them before you can correct them.
Turn off that TV, please
What do you think you’re doing on that phone! Put it away! Ask your mom to lock it away or put it somewhere you can’t reach! We all get distracted, but lessening the chances of your distractions is up to you. Eliminate all sources of distraction, from your phone to your TV. Don’t switch between tabs while working on your computer either.
- Put away all of your electronic devices and focus
- Eliminate all distractions and give yourself breaks where you can check your messages and go online
Research is key
How can you write a best informative essay without a ton of research? The concept is unheard of! After understanding your topic completely, you must five into it and look for every possible piece of information on it which you can find before beginning to write.
Are you sure this is authentic?
Fact-checking should be at the top of your list of things to do when writing an essay. It would be most embarrassing if something you assumed on your own and wrote in your essay based off of your intuition turns out to be wrong. In order to avoid that, get your information from multiple sources and double-check it. Compare information on the same topics that you’ve taken from varying sources.
- Fact-check and make sure to use authentic resources
- Use multiple resources to collect information on the same topic, compare it and select the one that fits best
Stop relying on them, dummy!
Your friends won’t write your essay like you will remember that. And online spell-checking software and apps won’t correct it like you will, either. You have to understand that there’s no easy way out of this, and that you’ll have to do the main work yourself before you can get help from anyone else. Taking shortcuts will surely taint the quality of your work.
Only tax you should be worrying about
Grammar and syntax. Get it? I love puns. Anyway, this is one of the most important parts of writing absolutely anything. Make sure your grammar is on point and the sentence structure isn’t that of a 5 year old’s writing. Having a unique writing style is okay; just don’t make yours look like you’re illiterate.
- Make sure to pay extra attention to grammar
- If you get stuck with the sentence structure, look it up online. Don’t assume your instincts are correct
Drafting is important!
You can’t write one draft and expect it to be perfect! Multiple drafts are a must whenever you write an essay, or any other text. Make sure to write multiple drafts and you will see how you improve progressively with each one. Write until you’re one hundred percent satisfied with your work, and don’t just write to get it over with. Own your work.
Remember, you aren’t perfect
Rechecking is so important! Don’t rely on softwares for this. You can have your friend’s help you out with this bit, but always do the final reading yourself before you hand in your essay. In fact, even recheck your overview. After all, it is the foundation of the rest of your essay.
- Ask friends to help you with this part
- Don’t rely on online softwares for spell-checking
Elijah Gabriel son has a master’s in Linguistics from the College of Liberal Arts at the University of Illinois. He discovered his love for writing all the way back in middle school when one of his poems was selected for a reading at his favorite coffee house. Since then, he has dedicated himself to writing and takes part in Eazy research to find topics he could potentially write about.