Are you struggling with writing your master’s thesis? Do you feel pressured and don’t know where to start? Are you stuck being a mediocre thesis writer despite being a really good student?
If all these questions resonate with you, then my friend you have stumbled upon the right article. This article will address all the issues regarding the master’s thesis, how to write it, the entire structure of the thesis and how to avoid the most common error while writing it.
What is a Master’s Thesis?
A master’s thesis is the most important and acclaimed work of your graduate degree. The thesis usually revolves around a central question in support of which the entire thesis is formed. However, the question is not presented directly, but in a structured manner while entire research is carried out to provide evidence to support the claim.
Structure Of A Master’s Thesis:
Writing a master’s thesis is not exactly a piece of cake but at the same time, it’s not rocket science either. There is a predetermined structure to follow that people have to go along with. You must be thinking about what that structure is and “how to write a master’s thesis proposal”. Following is the structure and instructions on how to write a master’s thesis.
Selecting a Topic:
Topic selection is a highly difficult part when writing a thesis because the topic sets the foundation for the entire thesis. Here are some tips to remember while selecting a topic.
· Keep Objective Of The Thesis In Mind:
There is a lot of time spent on writing a master’s thesis, so it is important to choose a topic that resonates with you. There are many objectives of writing a thesis, some of which are listed below
- The ultimate goal is to get a degree, in this case, the topic should be a little difficult but still manageable.
- The second one is to enjoy while working on the thesis. In this case, you should choose a topic that you are passionate about so that you will not get bored halfway.
- To get employed afterward. Since the main goal is to get employment then it is better to choose a topic that will help you in getting employment in the desired organization.
- To be able to help, in this case, you want to make the world a better place by playing a small part so you should choose a topic which is rarely researched and something which the world needs right now.
· Thesis Idea Generation:
The thought of generating ideas for thesis seems quite intimidating, however, in reality, it is not like that. Start thinking about your field and what contributions you can make with your thesis. Think deeply about how you can make a thesis that you will enjoy working on and something that will be pertinent to your field too. Try these tips for generating new ideas
- Skim through the past papers that you have written for different graduate and undergraduate courses. This will help you in finding out if there is any specific topic that you feel gravitated towards.
- Get help from the faculty member. Consult with them regarding issues like these. Eventually, you will have to meet up once a week with your thesis advisor.
- Consulting with the relevant industry member is also an option. They can give insights on which recent topic is in need of research.
- There is also an option of getting thesis topics from an authentic academic website like EazyResearch. These kinds of websites usually provide topics that guarantee a high success rate.
· Choosing The Thesis Question:
It is advisable to consider the main questions for your master’s thesis very carefully. In your thesis, you must provide
- Content that is original in order to support the main question of your thesis.
- Facts, figures, and leading questions in order to make your research seem interesting, organized and focused.
- Try to form a direction to your query and formulate at least 6 to 10 questions around your proposed research.
· Carry On Your Research:
Research is the most important component of the thesis. Through the research, you can provide a much-needed weight to your thesis paper. For providing such supporting pieces of evidence you have to read texts, conduct different researches, etc.
Selection Of Your Texts:
Here are the following steps that you have to keep in mind while writing the body and text part of the thesis.
· Literature Review:
Some students feel that the literature review is the hardest part of the thesis. However, with a little effort, this hard part can easily turn in to the most fulfilling one and can help you in solidifying your thesis.
It is important that your generated idea for the thesis should be unique, relevant and original. For this, you have to read and review the current literature present on the topic. Moreover, you have to be aware of the opinion of other researchers and the general opinion of the people on this topic. Or another option is to buy Master thesis service for a more polished literature review.
· Citations:
No thesis paper is complete without citations. People usually forget about citations when they source material from a variety of different places. An easy way to combat this issue is to cite as soon as you include detail from a different source.
· Primary Sources:
Primary sources are an important part when writing a thesis. These sources provide a factual basis to your thesis especially if you are dealing with the analytical thesis. Primary sources are the ones in which you will get facts and information first hand.
· Secondary Sources:
Secondary sources are the ones that are already present on the internet and in different journals. They are basically written about primary sources. These are also an important part of the thesis that you have to include in order to provide a much-needed weight to your paper.
Plan Your Outline Properly:
Planning an outline plays a huge role in producing your thesis paper on time. You must be thinking why is that and how to write a master’s thesis outline.
· What are the requirements?
Every thesis has different formats that should be followed. There are mainly two types when it comes to the master’s thesis.
- Quantitative: In this type, the paper involves experiments, data collection that can be quantified and measured, recording of results, etc.
- Qualitative: In this type, the paper is usually creative, analytical or explanatory in nature.
· Preparing an Outline:
Preparing an outline before starting the paper helps immensely with the structure of the paper as well as for setting the goals. It helps in measuring and keeping track of the performance as well as showing the progress to the thesis supervisor.
· Things to Include In The Thesis Paper:
Different universities have different requirements for the final thesis paper. So, in order to avoid any blunder do check with your university regarding the thesis paper requirements. A general list of requirements is listed below for your benefit
- A title page
- Signature page with signatures of your advising committee
- A short paragraph of the abstract
- Table of contents mentioned with page numbers
- Introduction to the thesis paper
- Body
- Conclusion
- Bibliography
- Endnotes or appendices if necessary
Writing The Conclusion:
needed punch to give your thesis paper an edge. You must be thinking that how to write a master’s thesis conclusion. Well, it is quite simple, you should just summarize the entire findings of the paper but write it in an efficient manner using a blend of both the technical and simple terms.
Add Flavor to Your Paper:
Too much text makes the thesis paper a bit too bland. It’s advisable to use relevant graphs, charts, and figures where they are needed. These bars and charts will help in providing a flavor as well as a support to the paper.
Prepare Your Thesis Defense:
Preparing a solid defense of the thesis is highly important. You will have to eventually participate in defense in front of your committee. Take this as an opportunity to show your committee members that you’ve learned a great deal so far and also bring up any confusion and question that you have. This way, you will get prepared for the actual defense.
Editing and Proofreading:
Editing and proofreading of the thesis are of utmost importance. If it is possible then take a minimum week off. The reason that I’m suggesting a week is that it is not possible to proofread and edit your paper after weeks of working on it. It’s natural that your brain will fail to recognize the areas to improve because of the past monotonous and strenuous activity.
Give your brain some room to breathe by engaging yourself in different activities. After getting some relaxation, try to edit and proofread the paper. You can also ask for help from a trustworthy person with strong proofreading skills or you buy thesis editing service online.
How to Overcome Hurdles During Thesis Writing:
Writing your thesis paper is not an easy task at all. It requires a lot of effort and single-minded dedication. However, getting sidetracked or getting bored in between the process is quite normal. Here are some ways to combat this problem.
Make A Proper Schedule:
One way to make sure that you are progressing positively is to keep the track of your performance. Keeping the track is quite simple and hassle-free. You just have to make a schedule before starting the thesis. Scheduling will help your task will help you in arranging the priorities as well as in keeping track. Moreover, it will also help you in not getting overwhelmed by the amount of work.
Find Motivation:
Finding motivation is quite hard when all you want to do is to take a 12-hour nap. However, without finding the motivation you will not be able to complete your thesis on time. Instead of working all the time, give yourself small breaks in between.
Give yourself a little treat after completing each task, for example, after working for 30 minutes straight or after completing the quired number of pages; treat yourself with your favorite snack or watch 20 minutes of your favorite tv show or take a power nap.
Write Daily:
Writing a thesis is not a piece of cake. It requires dedication and a lot of hard work. So, instead of leaving the work for the eleventh hour, it is better to do it consistently in small doses. It is advisable to write daily, every single day, even if it is a few lines. By doing this you will also give your self a lot of time to think. Imagine, instead of going bonkers over how to write a master’s thesis abstract, you will actually get a lot of time to think about it.
Master’s thesis writing is not rocket science. Millions of people do it every year. However, one thing to remember is that it requires consistency and dedication. I hope this article will help you in tackling your issues regarding the master’s thesis writing.