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Stella Carter

Stella Carter

AUS  Verified Profile

Expert academic writer and proofreader for medical thesis, assignments, and essays



An excellent writer with a humble nature. I’m so amazed by Stella’s work and her patience with my exaggerated attitude. Thanks a ton!
- Brenda Evelyn


October 19, 2019

What an amazing person! Stella has won hearts in our class through her exceptional homework help on our class project and its detailing. She wrote the whole procedure which was provided in chunks to her. It was an A++ because of Stella. Extremely happy.
- Rosy Mason


December 26, 2019

Stella is a life-savior. Oh! God knows how glad I am to meet her. She turned my boring assignment into the most interesting document. I was struggling so much in the past month regarding my homework as I was busy taking care of my aged grandmother in sickness. I wasn’t able to make time for my homework and a huge pile of assignments was waiting in line. It was a miracle that I found Ms. Stella Carter to help me with my homework. She has been so sweet and extremely professional about it. I humbly thank her for all the homework help.
- Claudia George


January 31, 2020

Ph.D. in Biochemistry from the Monash University

Each particle existing holds a matter and reason for its existence. Have you ever thought about it? Well, you should. It might get you to the reason for your existence.

Hello everybody, my name is Stella Carter, and I’m all about human existence and the chemical reactions that undergo every emotion we face. Complicated, right? Well, complications are what I live for. I started my career as a freelance writer to help students with their medical homework and shifted to it as a professional through the platform of EazyResearch. I am currently working as a biochemist research analyst at a renowned firm.

My writing career is on top of my success rate of 95% by catering clients on a global scale. The quality of my content can be viewed through the samples and reviews of my clients.

Stella Carter is a pro writer and has a vast area of expertise when it comes to medical.

  • - Medicine
  • - Nursing
  • - Pathophysiology
  • - Biotechnology
  • - Pharmaceutical Chemistry
  • - Bioenergetics
  • - Toxicology
  • - Methods of Research in Medicine

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