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Logan Smith

Logan Smith

CANADA  Verified Profile

Expert thesis writer, editor, and proofreader for psychological & medical thesis.



The most humble and amazing person plus writer is Logan Smith. I am so grateful for his thesis writing services which are remarkable. As his knowledge of human behavior and the reason is outstanding. Thank you for your help, Mr. Logan.
- Leo Hampton


September 07, 2019

The complex concepts of psychology have been a struggle for me while writing a thesis. This was the only reason I had to take professional help for editing and proofreading my science thesis. Thanks to Mr. Logan Smith for fixing it.
- Hermione Ralph


October 14, 2019

A medical thesis is the most critical thesis writing which requires strong knowledge on attitudes and behaviors along with different nature of a being. From the start of the final semester, I knew how bad I needed expert help for my thesis writing. So without any delay, I contacted EazyResearch and met Logan for my help. He was good at what he does and managed to write my medical thesis before the submission deadline which didn’t leave a chance for me to stress about my thesis.
- Waverly Walker


January 23, 2020

Logan Smith is a Ph.D. in Psychology from the University of Melbourne

Every reaction holds an action. Every action is a reaction of some doings. This may sound complex but it’s very simple. These complicated and extra complex concepts are my thing. In psychology, what other people find difficult, feels like a piece of cake to me.

I’m a Ph.D. from Melbourne University in psychology, and I love what I do, which is being a psychologist and a writer that helps students in their thesis writing. I enjoy every bit of my work as I get to know how frustrating it gets nowadays for managing to write a complete thesis and also make time for other courses. It feels great because helping the students with their thesis reduces their stress and it positively affects their health.

The areas where I can use for you are:

  • Writing & Editing Thesis
  • Proofreading Thesis
  • Ph.D. Thesis Writing
  • Master Thesis Writing

I have a wide area of my expertise you may select any from the list below:

  • - Philosophy
  • - Social Anthropology
  • - Sociology
  • - Forensic Science
  • - Counseling
  • - Development & Experimental Psychology
  • - Clinical Psychology

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