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Bella Alexander
Pro Writer

Bella Alexander

CANADA  Verified Profile

An expert writer & editor for business assignments, articles, and essays



One of my best choices was to select Ms. Bella for my help in a marketing course. She was able to complete my assignment without exceeding the given time and managed to assemble my marketing project with me.
- Isabella Murphy


August 12, 2019

I’m so thankful to Bella Alexander for fixing my business essay. I really enjoyed the time with you. Highly recommended.
- Rita Stewart


September 03, 2019

A very energetic writer and counselor, I learned a lot from Ms. Alexander. She completed my management assignment in no time and communicated very well. I’m glad she was my choice for writing help.
- Tim Shapero


December 30, 2019

Bella Alexander has a degree of Masters in Business Studies from Western University

No business is small. The only thing that matters is the passion and dedication. If you have these two components than mark my words, nothing can stop you from doing your own business and be an entrepreneur.

I’m an entrepreneur and doing what I love to do, and that’s business. Apart from that, I’m also a professional writer at EazyResearch. It has always been in me, I use to write assignments for senior students and advanced courses in my college days which I enjoyed the most. It led me to professional writing.

As of now, I am known as an expert writer at the platform of EazyResearch for business-related topics. I have been in the business market for more than 7 years so, I know how the marketing tactics work in the real world. All the theories are somehow interlinked and cater to the business world which is helpful for the execution of business and learning.

If you want my help regarding your business topics, freely contact me through EazyResearch. I will be available in no time.

Here is a list of my field of expertise:

  • - Business Management
  • - Project Management
  • - Entrepreneurship
  • - Marketing Strategies
  • - Human Resource
  • - Supply Chain Management
  • - International Business

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