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UC GPA Calculator

Checkout Online UC GPA Calculator Through Our FREE GPA Tool

Your GPA
  • {{semester.title}}
Current GPA (Optional) semester contract

Grade Format

icon-error {{validation.message}}

Your GPA

  • Cumulative
  • {{semester.title}}
  • Cumulative
  • {{semester.title}}

The University of California has a high standard for GPA. UC students are above average graders with a mix of A’s and B’s. The grade point average for all students at UC is specific and equal.

Importance of GPA Calculation:

Calculating your grade point average shows you the numerical assessment of your academic growth. It is important to know where you stand among all academically. It also shows the courses which you are good at and the ones you need to work on. It is an actual representation of a student’s educational level on a GPA scale.

How to calculate GPA from free GPA Calculator?

GPA calculator is very easy and essential use in order to calculate your accurate grade point average, follow the steps given below.

Step no. 01 Select the correct format style

The selection of the format for calculation should be based on your institute’s criteria.

The selection can be made between the given options.

Letters indicate the grades from A, B, C, D, F.

Percentages are from 0%-100%.


Step no. 02 Enter your current GPA

In order to proceed further you need to enter your current GPA and the credit hours. If you are new and don’t have your CGPA then, leave the tab blank. This is an optional tab.


Step no. 03 Write your semester name

semister show

Entering your semester name is also optional. Adding the name will only be helpful for your end. The semesters mostly lie with three seasonal names which are fall, spring and summer.

Step no. 04 Add course details

course show

After selecting the semester you need to enter the course details.

  • Course name
  • Grade
  • Credit hours
  • Course type

Step no. 05 Enter another semester

new semister show

The calculation for further semesters and courses can be done. You can simply “add semester” or “add course” and it will increase the tabs for information. It also calculates cumulative grade point average to give you an over-all indication of your result.


FAQs GPA Calculator

UC considers the freshman and senior year GPA’s on UC premises. It approves honors, AP, IB and community colleges.
The GPA from UC means 1 extra point in your grade point average which is approved by UC in an honors program.
The required criterion of GPA for UC is 3.73. It means UC needs you to be above average in your class at high school with a mix of A’s and some B’s.
The top colleges or universities have set their required GPA mostly above average. This means 3.4 or above for well-known colleges. 3.0 GPA shows that you are an average student.
The highest GPA on a 4.0 scale is 4.0GPA which can be scored if you are an excellent student. You would need straight A’s in order to score the highest GPA.
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