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APA Reference Generator To Take Care Of All Your Referencing And Citation Needs.

Are you looking to cite your assignment in the APA reference format? Are you unaware of how to properly cite and reference the sources used in your assignment according to the APA referencing style? Well, fear no more as EazyResearch has the perfect solution for you! Our APA reference generator will solve all of your problems related to referencing and citing your sources which you have used in your assignment. If you use our APA reference generator then you can just sit back and relax as our generator cites and references each one of your sources within seconds and in the appropriate format.

What is the APA Reference Format?

As the name suggests, the APA Reference Format is a referencing style that is used to reference and cite the sources which are used in a university level assignment. It is important to cite and reference any and all sources appropriately otherwise using the information from another source would be considered as plagiarism.

APA is a particular style of referencing and citation that is commonly found in Social Sciences and Behavioral Sciences assignments, as well as subjects related to management. APA stands for American Psychological Association and the style of formatting was found in 1929 by the association. It is also widely used for medical and public health journals. The latest edition of the format, which is the sixth edition, is the one which is currently used. This is why a lot of students search for APA 6 Reference Generator most commonly.

How to reference and cite an assignment in the APA format?

Just like the Harvard referencing format, which is actually quite similar to the APA referencing format, APA referencing is done in the text as well as at the end in the references format.

In-Text Referencing:

In-text referencing is done in two ways mainly which are:

  • As a direct quote: When quoting a source directly the source is written along with the name of the author, date and the page number.
  • As a paraphrase of the actual quote: When the source is paraphrased, only the name of the author and the date needs to be provided.

Type Example
Direct QuoteHamilton (2019, p.99) states that severe workload without breaks can lead to burnout and decreased levels of productivity.
ParaphrasedPutting too much workload on the workers without allowing them periods of relaxation can actually cause them to burnout and hence perform lower than usual. (Hamilton, 2019)

One Author:

For one author, the appropriate format to be followed is to provide the surname of the author followed by the year of publication.

Format Example
Hamilton (2019, p.99) statesHamilton (2019, p.99) states that severe workload without breaks can lead to burnout and decreased levels of productivity.

Two Author:

For two authors, the appropriate format to be followed is to provide the surnames of both authors followed by the year of publications.

Format Example
Hamilton & Gasly (2019, p.99) stateHamilton & Gasly (2019, p.99) states that severe workload without breaks can lead to burnout and decreased levels of productivity.

Three To Five Authors:

The appropriate format for any source with three to five authors is as follows:

  • Surname of all authors followed by year of publication for 1st time.
  • Name of first author followed by et al (If used for more than one time)

Format Example
Hamilton, Johnson & Gasly (2019, p.99) stateHamilton, Johnson & Gasly (2019, p.99) states that severe workload without breaks can lead to burnout and decreased levels of productivity.

Six or More Authors:

The appropriate format for any source with six or more authors is as follows:

Format Example
Hamilton et all. (2019, p.99) stateHamilton et all (2019, p.99) states that severe workload without breaks can lead to burnout and decreased levels of productivity.

No Author(s):

The appropriate format to be followed for any source with no author or anonymous author is as follows:

Format Example
Title is written in Italic form followed by year.Severe workload without breaks can lead to burnout and decreased levels of productivity. (Occupational Stress & Burnout in Employees, 2014)

End-Text Citation in the APA Format:

The end-text citation is a list at the end of the assignment which provides a culminated reference and cites each and every source used within the assignment. This is different from the in-text citation which is used within the text, whenever a source is used. It also varies depending on each type of source used.

There are other referencing formats, such as the Harvard referencing format, which are quite similar to the APA format. Students, who are generally in a hurry, might not be able to catch the minor differences between the formats so we have provided a list of examples for how APA referencing should be done for a few particular types of sources so that the students can compare them with the other examples for other formats and understand how APA is different from other formats.

  • Citing for a Book:

Format Author surname, Initial (s). (Year). Title (ed.). Publisher location: Publisher
Example Lockridge, K. A. (2011). Fish stress and health in aquaculture (Vol. 62). Cambridge University Press.

  • Citing a Journal Article (both print and online)

Format Author surname, initial (s). (Year). Article title. Journal Title, Volume Number (issue or part number, optional), page numbers. DOI or Retrieved from URL
Example Michaels, C.H. (2016). Stress & Burnout in Employees. Employee Performance and Appraisal (68 (3), 43-55). https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.3102/00346543068001061

  • Citing a Website:

Format Author surname, initial (s). (Year, month day). Title. Retrieved from URL
Example Robertson, B.S. (2013, May 12). Stress & Burnout in Employees. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occupational_burnout

Still Need Help from A Reference Generator APA?

Referencing and citing sources in a university level assignment is an incredibly difficult task, regardless of which particular type of referencing it is. Students have to dedicate their time and pay attention to detail to cite and reference each source in the appropriate format. This can be a long, tiring process so wouldn’t it be much better to just get all the referencing and citation done for you, especially when it is guaranteed to be in the correct format and likely to only take minutes instead of hours. So, what are you waiting for? Use our APA reference generator for the best, most reliable citation and referencing you can hope for.

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