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Human Resource Management Dissertation Topics

Human Resource Management is one of the rewarding fields in Business administration. However, just like other subjects, you will have to write a thesis to get your degree.

The most difficult part in dissertation is selecting a trending topic that is unique and original. But you don’t have to worry! EazyResearch brings you free HRM dissertation topics sought by their experts. You can either choose one from our database of free titles or call us to get a tailor made thesis statement for your dissertation!

Recruitment And Retention HRM Dissertation Topics

  • Study of the different factors and their effect on employee’s retention.
  • The effect of playful work environment on successful employee’s retention.
  • The study of the reasons of increased turnover and decreased employee’s retention.
  • Elucidating the effect of flexible work hours in the successful employee’s retention.
  • Employee empowerment and their impact on their productivity.

Training And Development HRM Dissertation Topics

  • Evaluation of training courses in the career management of Human resource.
  • Comparative analysis of individual learning and organizational training on success of business organization.
  • The study of job rotation and its efficacy on employee’s skills and abilities.
  • Study of the effect of training and learning based activities on the employee’s productivity.
  • The study of the challanging job tasks on the employees engagement process.

Performance Appraisal HRM Dissertation Topics

  • Comparative analysis of traditional appraisal with MBO (Management by Objective) for successful performance appraisal.
  • How appraisal can contribute to the increased employee satisfaction and motivation?
  • Negative impact of performance appraisal on employee’s motivation.
  • The study of the effect of 360 degree feedback in the successful performance appraisal.
  • The study of the perception of procedural equity by employees and its effect on their engagement.

Performance Management HRM Dissertation Topics

  • The effect of performance management in the success of nonprofit organization.
  • Difference performance management techniques in the successful employee retention.
  • A qualitative study of the performance management system and its success in the attainment of organizational goals.
  • The success of performance management in improving the skills and abilities of employees.
  • The effect of environmental uncertainties on the practices of performance management.

Strategic Management HRM Dissertation Topics

  • The effect of decentralization on the strategic human resource management.
  • How does strategic human resource management effects competitive strategies of an organization?
  • Study of the linkage between Management by Objective MBO and Strategic management.
  • Effect of employee’s turnover on the strategic management human resource.
  • An analysis of the strategic HR management in the successful attainment of organizational goals.

Organization Culture HRM Dissertation Topics

  • Salary compressions and its effect on organization culture.
  • How rules and policies can lead to a growing organization culture?
  • Employee discrimination and bias and its negative impact on their productivity.
  • The impact of late sitting and overtime on employee’s efficiency.
  • Measures to prevent and control organizational conflicts among employees.

Risk Management HRM Dissertation Topics

  • Studies of the efforts of HR Manager to control risk management.
  • The study of the relationship between human resource management and risk management.
  • Human resource risk management in the effective employee’s productivity.
  • The use of information technology in the effective risk management.
  • Study of the contingent factors and their effect on risk management policies.

Human Resource Theory Dissertation Topics

  • Comparative analysis of different approaches in the successful management of human resource.
  • Impact of human resource policies in the success of an organization.
  • The study of the different ways to combat equity differences in an organization.
  • A qualitative study of how a human resource management has a negative impact on the organization culture.
  • Elucidating the importance of work life balance on employee’s motivation.

Want More Ideas? Consult Our Subject Matter Experts Now!

Do you want a distinct thesis statement for your dissertation? Our industry leaders are here to guide you. With their extensive years of experience, they’re able to cater your requirements and provide you with a unique title for your dissertation!

Holly Caraway

About: Holly Caraway

With a Master’s Degree in Human Capital Management, Holly Caraway is an academic writer and consultant at EazyResearch. She help business graduates with their Master’s and PhD thesis. Due to her expertise in HR management field, she is known and loved by students seeking for academic help.

Human Resource Management Dissertation Topics
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