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What Tricks do Professional Editors Use to Check Assignments?

Assignments, a collective synonym for nightmare, stress, and a lot of hard work.

Okay, we might have exaggerated it a little bit but it doesn’t change the fact that assignments just keep on getting harder for students throughout their College and University years. That is why a lot of students resort to finding the best assignment help they can get near them.

Although, most of the students directly ask professionals “help me with my writing assignment from scratch please”, while other students write their assignments and ask just for proofreading and editing. Either way, professionals edit the assignments very carefully. Their methods are not as ordinary as they are skilled and experienced with assignments.

If you are wondering how the experts edit and proofread the assignments then you’re at the right place. Here you can learn about how experts spot errors and turn them into perfection. You’ll understand the procedures employed by the experts during editing. Other than that, these few tricks can help you proofread and edit your assignments like a pro.

Help from the Outline(s)

It is essential for everyone to create an outline before proceeding to write any assignment. It can keep you on the track while writing the assignment and help you afterwards as well. The professionals use the final outline as a map to figure out if everything in the final assignment is as planned or not.

For instance, if you have outlined the first paragraph discussing something specific, then your assignment should have that. If there are any errors or misplacements, then chances are you have made errors in other paragraphs too. That’s how outlines can help you out.

On the other hand, professional editors make outlines after finishing the assignments to keep a track of what they’ve added in the assignment.

Reading the Assignments, Loudly

Loud enough that your neighbors don’t hear you but your roommates do. 

Reading out loud might seem a little bit awkward but it could help you spot a lot of comprehensive errors easily. For instance, if you read your assignments silently (just like you’re reading this right now), you might overlook some grammatical or spelling errors.

Professionals read the assignments loudly in front of another person or more, so in case they still overlook any mistake, the other person could help them out. Because there is a lot of things to fix throughout an assignment, reading out loud helps them enhance the quality at a good speed.

Saying Farewell to Jargons

We are humans, we are genius but we are not walking encyclopedias or dictionaries.

Even natives might misspell some complex words or be unclear about the meaning of certain words. So the professionals keep an eye out for words that could be hard to understand for the reader. They later change the words with an easier synonym.

This lifts the strain from the reader’s mind and increases the readability of the assignment. The professional editors keep track of jargons they have replaced throughout the assignments to avoid using them in a future assignment.

Repeating Words is a No Go

How to annoy a reader 101: keep using the same words again and again.

You may have learned a new fancy word and want to use it but keep it a bit limited. Twice in a paragraph, that’s good but 8 times in a single paragraph isn’t. Professional editors understand this very well and identify such words easily. For instance, if they see that the word “gap” has been used too many times, they’d replace it with synonyms such as “interval”, “range”, or “space in between” according to the context.

This puts the volume into your assignments and increases the readability as well. But make sure that you use easy to understand synonyms when replacing stuffed words. It’s about using different words, not hard words. Keep that in mind.

Impenetrable Sentences Needs Fixing!

You have written the assignment, you can understand it but it doesn’t mean the reader will get it too.

When you or a professional writes something, it makes clear sense to them but it might not during proofreading. In some cases, the writer could still make the sense out of sentences for himself/herself but the reader couldn’t comprehend it.

So while proofreading, the professional editors carefully remove such sentences that don’t make sense. In replacement, they add a clear and concise statement explaining exactly the same thing but in simpler words. On the other hand, it doesn’t mean that you’d need to replace every impenetrable sentence in your assignment. If you think that a sentence isn’t explaining anything and isn’t needed, just remove it.

Using the Specialized Proofreading & Editing Programs!

It’s a myth that professionals don’t use proofreading and editing software programs, let us debunk that.

It is half the truth because professionals do use such software programs but don’t completely rely on them. They believe that some errors are impenetrable that such programs can’t detect or correct. It requires manual proofreading & editing in most cases but multiple software programs can be used.

For instance, professional proofreaders use the editing and proofreading programs to detect spelling errors, vernacular differences, grammar mistakes, punctuation misplacements and much more. It saves a lot of time but it’s not always accurate.

Some of the most used proofreading & editing software programs are:

And many more.  So you know, for some quick grammar, punctuation, and spell checking, you can use these for free.

Ending Note

It’s time to say goodbye to all the errors and big fat hello to perfection in your assignments. That’s because now you know almost all the secrets of how professionals proofread & edit assignments. Make sure to keep in mind while writing your assignments as these little tips can be very beneficial and effective for you.

May the odds be in your favor and we meet again!


About Author

Writing is my passion! Hi, I am Jessica, and for me, writing is an escape. I am a PhD expert in Marketing and have been sharing insights and info on mainly all subjective areas of marketing and business for the past 6.5 years. I started my career as a professor and worked with some well-known educational institutes in the UK. After working in the field of teaching for five years I decided to become a full-time writer and blogger. Now, I translate my years of experience in academics to help students know every detail of academic writing.

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