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What is a GPA? Why it is important and how to calculate it

What is a GPA Why it is important and how to calculate it

A student’s academic success is measured on a scale by their GPA or grade point average. Its importance stems from the fact that it is a common measure for evaluating skill and dedication. However, fair assessments in the academic and professional sphere are facilitated by this uniform method.

Understanding What is GPA?

Grade point average (GPA) serves as a summary of your academic performance. Your Program and Career GPA are computed following the release of final grades each trimester, and the University will utilize this information to guide choices on the following:

Calculation of conversion of percentage into gpa during the duration of your program and career is done by weighing the average of all the course grades.

Based on each course’s credit value, the weighted conversion of percentage into gpa shows the proportionate contribution that each one of your courses has made.

Calculation of GPA:

You Compute your GPA in two Steps:

Each course’s credit value is multiplied by the grade that is given for that course.

The total number of credits for all courses completed during the allotted study period is divided by the aggregate score and is done through percentage to GPA calculator or cgpa to percentage calculator, respectively.

The following formula is used to determine your GPA:

GPA= Sum of G x P

Your grade point average will not be affected if you get a non-graded pass for a course. Moreover, GPA can also be calculated through tools like the online Caspa gpa calculator, at one click.

Moreover, for reporting reasons on your Academic Transcript, your GPA will be rounded to two decimal points. For instance, if you are going to get admission in a Master’s programs that accept a 2.0 gpa and your cumulative GPA, is 2.4390 it will be counted as 2.44, respectively.

Calculation of Percentage for GPA:

You multiply the result by 100 after dividing the total number of marks earned on a particular paper by the highest mark to determine the percentage. As an illustration, (15/25) x 100 = 60%

A grade of 100–90% is typically considered to be in grades A, B, C, 79–70%, and so on.

GPA Calculation from a 4.0 Scale

In nations like the UK, grades are assigned on a 4-point scale. Currently, a complete score’s total percentage is always 100. Therefore, on the 4.0 GPA scale, one point corresponds to every 25 points on the percentage scale (100 divided by 4).

Thus, GPA = (%/100) x 4 or GPA = percentage divided by 25 continues to be the conversion method.

With a 3.0 on a 4-point scale, your percentage would be = 3 x 25 = 75%.

GPA Calculation from a 10.0 Scale

A ten-point grading system is used in several European nations. There will be no change in the translation from GPA to %; one point corresponds to every ten points on the 10-point scale (100/10).

Thus, GPA = (%/100) times 10 or GPA = percentage divided by 10 stays the same.

The percentage you would get if your GPA was 6.5 out of 10 would be = 10 x 6.5 = 65%.


The main distinction between CGPA and GPA is that the former assesses performance across the whole course (across all semesters and units), while the latter measures performance in addition to overall performance in a single semester or unit, you can take 10 point CGPA to 4 point gpa as an example. The following guidelines can help you understand the distinction between CGPA and GPA:

Importance of GPA:

For multiple reasons GPA is integral, here are some important ones:

GPA Required for Master’s:

Prerequisites and application criteria are similar throughout master’s programs, despite program, degree, and school-specific variations in particular requirements.

A bachelor’s degree must be completed to pursue any master’s degree, and an undergraduate GPA of 3.0 is often required. Additionally, a lot of colleges mandate taking admission tests like the GMAT or GRE. Certain universities, such as Northumbria University UK, have Masters’ programs that accept 2.7 gpa if the aggregate with the entrance test exam and final interview is good enough.

However, some of the Master’s programs that require at least a 3.0 GPA are as follows:

There are prerequisite courses for the majority of other specialized, technical, or medical master’s degrees that need to be finished before applying.

GPA Required for PhD Courses:

If you want to apply for a Ph.D. in a nation that employs GPA, your university could compute an equivalent GPA for you based on your prior degree(s) academic transcripts. This is a typical practice for graduate programs in the United States.

You could require a higher GPA if you intend to go to a more selective university, like one of the prestigious Ivy Leagues. For instance, the average GPA of PhD candidates who were accepted into the University of Pennsylvania’s School of Engineering in 2021 was 3.8. A GPA of at least 3.5 is highly advised for candidates to Ph.D. programs at Stanford University.


To sum up, a Grade Point Average (GPA) is an essential indicator of academic achievement that is accepted by all educational institutions and companies. It is significant since it provides a rapid evaluation of a student’s commitment and ability. GPA computation is the process of giving numerical values to grades, which offers a consistent way to assess academic accomplishments. This method makes it easier to compare things fairly and helps people decide what kind of schooling and career path to choose.

Frequently Asked Questions

What GPA do you need for the National Honor Society?
Students must have a cumulative GPA of 85, B, 3.0 on a 4.0 scale, or an equal criterion of excellence, as per national requirements.
Is CGPA and GPA same?
Both terms are not the same, the main distinction between CGPA and GPA is that the former assesses performance across the whole course (across all semesters and units), while the latter measures performance in addition to overall performance in a single semester or unit.
What causes controversial issues?
Dubious issues emerge given contrasts in values, convictions, mentalities, or interests. Varying sentiments on themes like governmental issues, religion, morals, and social issues can prompt questionable points.
How do you convert a 7.6 CGPA to a percentage?
To find the equivalent percentage, a popular technique is to multiply the CGPA by a fixed number, typically 9.5 or 10. The equation is:
Percentage= CGPA × Conversion Factor
% = CGPA × Conversion Factor
For instance, if the conversion factor is 9.5 and your CGPA is 7.6:
The percentage is 7.6 × 9.5 = 72.2%.
% equals 7.6×9.5 = 72.2%
Which UK university accepts low CGPA?
Northumbria University UK, has programs that accept low CGPAS like in line of 2.0s, if the aggregate with the entrance test exam and final interview is good enough.
How do I convert my UK grade to CGPA?
+70%= 4.0;
60-69%= 3.3-3.9;
50-59%= 2.7-3.2;
40-49%= 2.0-2.6;
below 40%= 1.0-1.9
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