When Conventional Methods Go Against Modernization!
What do you get when modernization tries to overtake conventional methods? You get resistance. As said by Albert Einstein that the only thing constant in this world is change, organizations seem to ignore this in their business practices. What Digital marketing brings against conventional methods is cost reduction and better targeting.
History of Traditional and Digital Marketing
In the old days, when marketing was limited to human predictions and lack of customer information, targeting was very difficult. Seasoned and experienced marketers would follow their competitors, and there wasn’t much choice. The term digital marketing was used in the 1990s, and it took off on its first adventure when the internet came into existence. Through the implementation of newer and better techniques, customer targeting and segmentation has become more accessible. However, there were many downsides to these technological achievements as well.
How Digital Marketing Differs From Traditional Approach?
Although both are a chip of the same block, their difference is created by technological advancements. Here are the following differences between the two!
1. Countless Opportunities To Target Massive Audience!
One of the most significant differences between traditional and digital marketing is the ability to target a massive audience. However, both fields significantly differ in terms of cost, accuracy, and message delivery. Talking about Traditional marketing and the channels for communication would include newspapers, magazines, television, and radio. Although all of these platforms can market your product/service across the world, the limitation of a generalized audience is what makes it weak against digital.
In digital marketing, it is relatively easier to capture your targeted audience, how? Because of search history and other customer tracking technologies. Digitalization leverages the internet and its ability to keep records of its user’s history. Through this, digital marketing enables marketers to understand how many people are actually searching for the shoes you are selling. This has a bigger impact on generating sales as compared to traditional methods of blasting advertisements all over the country. If Efficiently Managed, It Is Significantly Cheaper!

One of the biggest downsides of traditional marketing is its high cost. A single page in a popular magazine could cost millions of dollars. This impacts the organization’s expenses and hence, effects new business entrants in the market. This not only becomes expensive over time, but the chances of retargeting through the same ad depend on luck. How many times have you reopened your favorite magazine and seen an ad? When customers realize a specific page in the magazine has an ad, they will skip it.
For digital marketing, the rules are elementary, you launch an ad with google or any social media. When the customer types the search term related to your ad, Google will show your website. This makes buyers targeting a piece of cake. However, there are many rules involved in optimizing your website to rank. But there are thousands of digital marketing experts graduating each year!

Traditional marketing is a one-time commitment for a long time! Once you place an ad on a billboard, there is no going back. There are additional costs involved in tempering with your traditional marketing techniques. In some cases, once an ad has been launched, it is impossible to change. However, in terms of digital marketing, there is always room for improvement and improvisation. This has made digital marketing even cheaper. Marketers prefer to launch one ad and then keep adding up changes to it.
With the increasing amount of traffic coming in on Google, marketing and sales have become more relaxed and cheaper in comparison with traditional marketing! How? Because digital ads are easily shared by its viewers. With a click of a button, the target audience can do word to mouth marketing effortlessly!
1. Poor Campaign Measurement!
No matter how much we advocate traditional marketing’s case, we cannot ignore the fact that campaign management is tough to measure. How can you measure the increase in your sale after placing a billboard on the road? How is it possible to measure marketing performance by launching an ad in the newspaper? These are all the metrics that have no authentic means of calculation Return on Investment.
For digital marketing, things become more authentic and concrete. With your cost per click being measured continuously and automatic formulas calculating your sales versus expense, it is rather convenient to keep track of your organizational goals as well as team performance. All this data can easily be transferred to different customer management systems that drive more information. Digital marketing then uses this information in predicting the future buying behaviors of its consumers.
Ending Note!
Closing in on the topic, and you can quickly identify which marketing strategy is more fruitful. However, it would be too soon to say that traditional marketing has lost its magic. There are still high-end brands such as Unilever, L’Oreal, Sephora, and other make massive revenue from traditional marketing techniques. This is because these brands have built a strong presence in the minds of the consumer. So to keep their customers buying from them, these brands require their budget to be target its buyers on all mediums, including digital as well!
But if discussing in terms of cost-effectiveness and the luxury to sell across borders is brought by digital marketing. Therefore, to base the final decision on cast effectiveness and reach digital marketing takes the crown!
Author Bio
David Hendricks is an MA Linguistics from College of Liberal Arts-University of Illinois with 5 years of experience in professional Dissertation writing services. David is a technology writer as well and does part-time technology writing as well.