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How to write a reflective essay?

Do you ever go through an experience where you feel like its impact on you is going to last for quite some time? An experience that you’d like to share with people. Something you would love to describe every second of in precise detail so that someone else could get as close to the feeling that you had as possible. That is what an argumentative essay US does. It describes an unforgettable experience in colorful words and enough detail that the person reading wouldn’t miss out on anything important. This is one of the most interesting manners of informative essay writing.

Choose your fighter!

Deciding a topic is clearly the first part of any kind of essay writing. Choose a topic that gets to you. That you understand every aspect of and can write about in a way that it will touch the heart of your reader. That’s what it means to be reflective. Don’t let your topic selection be random; it has to be something that means a great deal to you. Your topic has to be universally engaging, not just something that’s specifically meaningful to you only. Here are some examples of potentially heartfelt topics that everyone can relate to.

Get all the puzzle pieces together

Don’t you want everything ready so that you can simply just place it into your essay format without having to pay too much attention to outline as you’re writing the content? Make sure you understand the format beforehand and collect all the information you may need. It’s rare to have to do research when it comes to reflective essays, but if there are some things you need to look up, do it and put all of your raw information together so you can refine it and add it to your essay later. Don’t try to do research once you start writing because that will disrupt your flow, distract you and waste your time.

Think of this as storytelling

What’s more interesting to read than a boring old essay? That’s right, a story. Try to make it more personal to let the audience connect to you better. Make it sound like you’re telling them a story from your past, make it sound interesting and engaging enough to keep the reader hooked until the very end. Make them want to read and learn about you, don’t drag it too much. Be brief, they will only want to know the most fascinating bits of your presumably very long story.

List everything down! Be organized

Make a list of everything you plan to write about. Write an overview before anything else, once you’ve found your topic and done your research on it. Edit and re-edit your essay until you are completely sure there’s nothing left to change and you’re fully satisfied with what you’ve written. Making drafts is part of being organized and it’s very important if you want to avoid making really silly and embarrassing mistakes in your essay.

Self-psychoanalyzing is a thing?!

Since this essay is all about letting out your emotions and describing experiences, you must understand yourself before you can describe anything. Question yourself and try to get in your own head. Ask yourself questions and try to answer them as someone else. This way, you will get a lot of information out of you that your conscious mind might not have been able to perceive. Understanding your own emotions is not as easy as it sounds and this may be the most time-consuming part of the whole process. Don’t rush it, because if you do, your essay might just lose its authenticity, resulting in you not being able to relate to your audience that well.

Explain what you conclude before you conclude it

You need to make sure that by the time your reader gets to the conclusion of your essay and realizes certain things, what you said in your essay was already overshadowing those conclusions. The reason this is important is because this way, your audience will feel like they were on the right track the entire time, and that you and them were always on the same page.


Elijah Gabrielson has an MA in Linguistics from the College of Liberal Arts at the University of Illinois. He is the father of two and loves to write blogs with Eazyresearch on topics that he likes, such as his favorites books or pet health care. In his free time, he likes to watch science fiction movies and read novels.

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