Write a compare and contrast essay on comedy and tragedy? Oh not an essay again!
This was my reaction when I first read the question on my assignment paper! I thought this would be the most boring essay but it was what I enjoyed for days. It involved completely different form of writing.
What happen was, I was getting less idea on how to write it so I called up my best friend and asked her help in compare and contrast essay writing way. We followed these eight ways:
- Know the type:
- Set a theme:
- Eye Catching Introduction:
- Choose a way to organize the essay:
- Compare then contrast:
- Point by Point:
- Subject by Subject:
Point by point way of essay
• I discussed how different characters face tragedy and how they enjoyed comedy.For example:
Helena sorrow of losing her love is a tragedy to her life but how the writer changes it to comedy and gave reader’s something to remember.

- Conclusion:
Enjoy the Roller Coaster of Life:
Life is unexpected to everyone, if you face any good that is already written and if you face any sorrow that is written too. God is just checking your faith in Him. As in Shakespeare showed this roller coaster……
I was so happy that I completed the essay before the deadline the next I did was:
Yeah, I gave it to my mom who has never read the play and ask her what she understands with the essay. My mom was amazed by this although she read the play. To my amazement, she got confused so many times so I thought of:
Editing the essay:
Don’t think that your first draft can be the final draft, let the people proofread the write up. According to buy essay online:“The best essay is created, after a number of try again!”
So I tried again and wrote the whole essay with zeal and gave it to my proof-reader. Surprisingly, she understood everything this time and was won by my conclusion.
Beautification is the most important tool of essay writing, as it grips the reader to read the essay. Beautification should be done through correct formatting and outlining. Outline in a way that reader gets guided to your next point!
Did I win my professor?
I was scared as anything when I was submitting the essay as I wasn’t sure if I did it in the right way or not. To my surprise I got 1st position in my assignment as it was the most persuasive essay in the class. While when I observed other’s work I got some more ideas of the essay.
Some more tips:
- Read about your theme, which you have set in the essay. Without knowing it you cannot master it.
- Avoid mistakes as it gives a bad impression on the reader. The mistakes could be in grammar or sentence formation. It is okay to do mistakes but one needs to rectify it as well
- Check out this blog for essay structure guide. As you will get an idea to structure the essay.
- Tone is an important part as it captures the reader’s interest in the essay. When you have a boring tone nobody will read your essay.
- Compare the things which are actually comparable and are similar do not pick anything randomly.
- End on the question mark that the reader ponders over.
So that was from my side! Hope you have enjoyed my tips about essay writing. I got another assignment on the narrative essay, and I am really getting worried about it. If you have any idea doo share. C’ya.