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Elon Musk’s Starlink To Boost Internet In Malaysia

Elon Musk's Starlink To Boost Internet


Before going deep into the abyss of this discussion let us uncover some uncanny facts entangled with this topic. Starlink is the initiative of SpaceX. SpaceX stands for Space Exploration Technologies Corporation. It is an American aerospace company privately owned by Elon Musk since 2002.

 It is a groundbreaking launch industry because it not only launches satellites into the orbit of the earth and delivers astronauts and cargo to the international space station. But it introduced a notion of reusable rockets back in 2011. Other aerospace competitors like NASA discard the rockets after the stage uses up its fuel. One can find several research samples available on the websites of different coursework writing services regarding this topic, highlighting the fact that the launch services of SpaceX are less exorbitant as compared to other competitors in the industry.


Starlink is a broadband network that operates globally, reckoned by the constellation of low earth-orbit satellites. It aims to minimize the dormancy of network in space so that the edge computing may be facilitated on earth. It is expected to offer a remission of around 46ms, 20ms in most locations, much lower than the previous fastest digital connection.

It is a not a minor thing to offer with the aid of low-cost table size satellites orbiting in the low orbit, which are almost 42,000 in number. These features are benefitting for people related to various fields especially the students in Malaysia can access assignment writers USA based to get some help from their professionals. So it will not only boost internet all over the world around but also in Malaysia. Here it is being considered how the starlink is going to boost internet in Malaysia.


As it is a well-known fact that starlink satellites were launched in 2019 and are providing the coverage of internet to thirty two countries as per the tweet by SpaceX in May this year but it is determined to provide satellite internet access to the globe with low latency. This can be possible when there would be several hundred satellites in space. So the company proposes to launch up to 60 satellites every other week. Each unit is provided to have four lasers occupied at a time, while having five overall. This use of laser will allow faster connection as compared to fiber optics. The refractive index of fiber optics slows down the speed of light.


Different reports delineated the presence of starlink representatives in Malaysia this year. They wanted to make sure an access to low latency and high speed coverage to even remote and rural communities where people had disruptive connectivity before. This was to gain access to education and other health related services during the time of natural calamities. Due to the uninterrupted broad band connection provided by starlink, many students can access the services like write my dissertation for me without any disruption.


Starlink is the world’s most advanced broadband internet system that reaches to even far-flung areas by communicating information through the vacuum of space. The constellation of satellites orbit much closer to the earth at about 550km and ensures unique features which will boost internet in Malaysia. These features are discussed below.

 The round trip data time is known as latency. Other geo satellites orbiting the geo stationary orbit have higher latency as compared to starlink which enables the high data rate activities like video calling, online gaming and streaming impossible before.  Starlink proclaims these features in sharp contrast to other broadband systems. The portability factors allow the users to take starlink with them making it all the more convenient for users.

 As starlink is an initiative of SpaceX which is the greatest player in the aerospace industry who can launch their own satellites whenever needed. This enables them to constantly update the technology with the new one as per the changing demands of the time. The cost for their launches is also not that high which makes a uniform access to the space possible.

 As starlink is continuously expanding their coverage throughout the globe, they are determined to advance unbeatable features to make it more and more appealing for this traditionally oriented world. Starlink can be deployed anywhere within few minutes. This homes the idea to support service for emergency responders. Hence starlink is expected to beat the disastrous situations through emergency response.

Starlink satellite operate in a self-governing way. This autonomous exercise allows these satellites to maneuver with changing demands. As a result, it endows reliability to starlink connections as it minimizes the chances of its collision with other spacecraft out there or with orbital debris present within the orbit of the earth. This unique feature will improve the standard of internet by many folds, in many parts of the world including Malaysia.

Starlink is linking the countryside access to online services. These services were not highlighted by traditional connections. Like if one takes it in the context of a rural area in Malaysia it was never possible for students to carry on their academic career in case of any calamity that cut them off the studies.  Some of those things included the digital transition, the evolution of technology and the transformation of E-learning. On the other hand if a person fails to visit doctor due to certain reason there was no concept of virtual doctor treating them at a single click?

It is similarly the complications faced by schools situated at rural community areas no matter they are in Oklahoma, Texas or in Arizona.

Starlink introduces custom built star trackers to govern the location, altitude and orientation of each satellite. The navigation sensors scrutinize the stars and enables the services to provide precise positioning of broadband connection through.

Starlink is packed with all the detailed essentials required to set it up, in a starlink kit. This kit has a Wi-Fi router, cables and a base.

Starlink is going to launch optical space lasers to transmit data without relying on earth terminals. These optical intersatellite links are capable to be fully operational making the coverage globally possible.

  • Every starlink satellite, as these are huge in number, is equipped with four capable phased array antennas. It increases the capacity of the broadband connection without any limitation.
  • Starlink satellites are also adorned with efficient ion thrusters charged along with krypton. This system makes starlink the first ever spacecraft flown, powered by krypton.
  • Ion propulsion system helps the starlink satellite to lift the climax as high as possible with least consumption of fuel. It then maneuvers in the space and deorbit itself at the end of its operational life.
  • Starlink is powered with singular solar assemblage. The integration of standard solar cells are easy in the manufacturing process.


Starlink is all set to enter into Malaysia to provide better broadband services especially in far-flung areas. It will also lead to a boost in overall economy of the country due to the introduction of these advanced technologies.

Malaysia is already aspiring to pursue its digital transformation scheme to fortify its economical standings in the region as well as at global level. At governmental level, policy makers are considering the intricate realities attached to this new venture. Starlink has offered few proposals to introduce internet connection using advanced satellites. Minister of International Trade and Industry Datuk Seri Mohamed Azim Ali put forth the perception of it being scrutinized.  


Chief executive officer, of Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA), Datuk Arham Abdul Rahman communicated that Malaysia is still at middle way in the whole negotiation process which is being carried out between government of Malaysia and representatives of SpaceX and Starlink. The aerospace launching company foresee the inherent potential in Malaysia and want the government of Malaysia to facilitate the realization process of their proposed project.

So these anticipations were fully regarded by the senior minister of International Trade as the potential initiatives of investment by the world’s most advanced and ever flourishing aerospace industry. Many technology companies believe the future of the Internet is orbital. Around half the people on the planet lack a broadband Internet connection. SpaceX aims to put nearly 12,000 Starlinks into low Earth orbit (LEO), to deliver gigabit-speed Internet to most of Earth’s surface. 


Starlink is programmed to ensure high speed broadband internet connection not only in world’s top most economies but also in areas where internet access was either disruptive or costly. It is aiming to leave its footprints soon in the regions where the existence of internet connection was a big question mark in existence. The above mentioned features adorns the brainchild of Elon Musk to boost the internet in Malaysia.

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