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Avoid These 12 Common Scientific Paper Writing Errors

Avoid These 12 Common Scientific Paper Writing Errors

Blink, Blink, Blink…

Sitting in front of a blank screen, helplessly looking at the cursor blink on an empty page…

My worst nightmare had come to life!

Ugh, I was dreading this moment since university started and now that it’s time to write my scientific paper, I would rather crumble in the blanket, go into hibernation and mope for all of eternity. Sounds a whole lot better than this.

When I had to write my own scientific paper, all I could think about was not messing it up. Should I seek Paper Writing Services online? Of course, I hadn’t written it before so I had no clue about which mistakes to avoid, I was basically a lost cause.

But hey, you aren’t? I’m here to guide you about the most recurring errors students do while writing their scientific papers. (I was one of them, gosh! Wish I had read something like this). Let’s find them out.

1. Using Fancy Words and Complex Statements

I know I know, Science is all about fancy terms and complex statements going over your head, but while you’re writing your paper, try not to use terms that can confuse the reader.

Use simple language, Science is already confusing enough, isn’t it?

2. Using “Direct Quotes” Is A Big NO!

Using direct quotes is vital when you’re writing a paper for Literature, History or Current Affairs, but when it comes to scientific papers, you’re supposed to be a geek.

Direct quotes express someone else’s thoughts, whereas, your paper should include your own opinions, other than in the literature review of course, that will include the data other researchers have gathered regarding your topic. 

3. The Discussion Shouldn’t Make the Reader Snooze

In the discussion, you express your creativity through proper interpretation of the gathered data. Let your mind wander free, argue with what other researchers have brought forward and use your own facts and figures to support your side of the argument.

Be bold, express your POV, like you have no limits, and no boundaries (except the word limit).

4. Proofreading Will Poof Away Any Minor Errors

Proofread your paper after completion but BEFORE submission and poof! All your almost-unnoticeable grammar errors and spelling mistakes will be gone. 

Remember to check whether your diagrams fit the page or not and headings are key!!

5. Leaving A Loop Will Get You Caught Up in A Loop

Make sure there’s no part left unresearched that you’re including in your paper. Since you have to defend your side of the view on the topic, you can be cross-questioned about even the slightest thing.

6. Don’t Even Think of Using Any Irrelevant Information to Increase the Word Count

Depending on the word count you’ve got, and the weightage every part of your paper has, try to avoid exceeding the limits.

Even in real life, no one likes anyone crossing their limits, am I right? And so, try not to fill it with irrelevant material that does not have a link with your hypothesis. 

7. Grammar Mistakes and Spellings Should Be Checked Multiple Times

I mean the entire look of your paper will be destroyed if the reader spots grammatical errors or basic words misspelled. That’s the most minor error you need to definitely avoid.

8. Raw Data Needs to Be Error-Free

This is probably the most crucial step. Since you’re trying to make your paper reach the publication step successfully, your data needs to cover a wide base of the audience.

9. Formats Should Be Consistent, For Sure!

When you’re writing your scientific paper, you will definitely have heard about the P-values. What are those?? P values come in when you’ve gathered your data and you’re compiling it to obtain results. 

To avoid messing up your data results, making them as messy as the thoughts in your head, follow the same pattern of how you put in your P values.

10. Proof Will Elevate Your Paper Through the Roof

To support the side of the argument you’re on, you need proof! 

Proof is the fundamental aspect of everything, be it when trying to prove someone wrong, you need screenshots (proof).

Just like that, in your paper as well, your topic will get a backbone when you support your research findings with proof that what your hypothesis states are correct.

11. Scientific Content Errors Are A No-Go

I can’t make this too obvious, but you already know every word of information you include in your paper has to be error-free. 

12. Write A Simple Conclusion

Please remember that your conclusion is not supposed to divert from the main scope of the study. According to research carried out by a website providing Primary Homework Help, approximately 13% students who seek their help had not been able to get their papers published because of a terribly written conclusion.


Just keep these common errors in mind while writing your scientific paper and if the universe is on your side, you will pull through this horrid task with ease. Fingers crossed!

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